All tagged process

Self-Awareness: A Super Simple Process

Self-awareness can be helpful through knowing yourself better to lead yourself better. It's in aligning conscious and subconscious realities to produce health through a life of integrity and alignment.

In understanding that self-awareness as a worthy endeavor that is both practical and attainable, we also need to address the process that makes it actionable.

Discipline: Smaller Than You Think

The ultimate goal is to become addicted to the right things, to the things that produce health, joy, and happiness for us and those around us.

If we are to be successful at changing our ways, at becoming addicted to the right things, at developing discipline around our choices and actions, we must begin with a baby step, not some giant leap.

Perspectives, Pt. 3 - Destination < Journey

Here’s the question: what’s more important? The journey? Or the destination?

I would guess that most of us would agree that the journey is the probable answer, but do our lives and our actions really back up that belief? My guess is: that’s hardly the case.

The Far Side of Complexity

What is true mastery?  And how does one achieve it?  It is safe to say these questions have been asked and pursued for as long as competitive sports or competitive careers have been around.  Countless books have been written on this topic, each giving their own take on what this "formula" might be. 

Now it's my turn.