All tagged discovery

Be The Change: Overcoming Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

You can change. No, I’m serious. You really can. But why don’t you? Why don’t we? . The struggle to change is a human dilemma that every individual faces to one degree or another.

And guess what? We are all capable. We can all be catalysts for the change we wish to be. You are the placebo. You don’t just hold the key, you are the key.

When Your Dream Hits A Dead-End

Inner Dialogue—It’s over.… your life, that is. Well, at least it seems that way. It definitely feels that way. But you are still breathing and consciously aware of these thoughts. Yet, somehow, it all seems surreal, almost as if real life isn’t that real.

How did you get to here? How did you manage to come to this dead-end? And why?